cravings? and should i actually eat it.

Over the years i have had siblings that have had children and normal but uncontrolable cravings for things like popsicles, fruit, sweets.
Ive been told eating ur cravingcan relieve   discomfort and the urge to throw up, but ive also heard the opposite.
...... now...... im craving tuna fish salda sandwiches and macdonalds happy meal cheese burgers. 
Im avoiding all canned fish for obvious reasons. But the cheese burgers have me worried! 
I havent had one since i was 10. 15 years ladies! And i can taste it!! And want it soooooo bad. However like most macdonalds, it already makes me sick, and i become very dehydrated. So i just dont eat it among other political and health reason. But every time i drive or walk by someone eatting it i feel like the person is in mortal danger around me. If my stomach could grow arms, beat the living hell out of someone for a cheese burger...... it would. 
Ive tried home made and its just not the same it tastes bland to me even. I have become incredibly picky scince becoming pregnant when it comes to food( i grew up on ethiopian, japanese, caribian, indian, etc my whole life and normally love it!!!) but all i can eat is salad and potatoes , clementines, ( like my white as white heratige is used to- irish canadian) but no meat! 
Do i put myself through it for some peace( for the sp and myself) or suffer with being hangry.( again sp is crying) 
Any sugestions ladies?