struggling in school

hello everyone 
i'm a senior in high school and i just finished all my finals, my semester just ended... 
i just wanted to tell you guys how i feel because it's just harder to to tell people i know..
i'm really disappointed in myself and i e been struggling a lot in school, my grades aren't great. my gpa is low. i've also been struggling with my anxiety and depression more than ever. it might be an excuse to some of you but i really feel like it's getting in the way and it's really hard to function at school and stuff. getting low grades is starting to make me feel like i'm dumb or just can't do it anymore. i just feel really lost and i'm getting really sad with myself. i've been stressing i've been eating too much i just don't feel healthy. i used to want to be a doctor but i just feel like i'm not smart enough and i feel embarrassed because i used to tell my family all the time. but i'm just here now. i don't know what i want anymore