
So I need to vent.. I'm doing this anon since I'm venting about a situation Involving someone following me. So I just recently became a mommy. My son was born the beginning of November. Well my almost 18 yr old sister gave me the news today that she just found out she was pregnant.... after her very first time.. she's about 11 weeks now... so in the span of a year I go from engaged to finding out I'm pregnant, married, become a mom and oh yeah before this wild ride of a year is up I'm going to be an aunt!!! If the situation was better with my parents I wouldn't be so stressed. But my mother is abusive (I left home at 17 to get away). Younger brother is violent (shoved father into a fishtank breaking it) along with other special needs sister being the same violently. I couldn't have her living there...can anyone give me ideas on how to help her and her bf? Neither have a job. He has a license but the truck broke. She has no license. His parents and brothers already said no to helping them. She's still in highschool... I'm freaking out trying to help her while going through ptsd from reliving the whole "leaving my abusive mother" thing through her..... I know all states are different but are there like housing help and anything that would help them get there own place? Tia