

It makes me completely sick how people can attack someone for having a mental illness or anything "wrong" (for lack of a better word) simply because one's opinion differs from their's. πŸ˜‚ Can people educate themselves or get off the internet if they feel so threatened about other's opinions? I just really do not understand why this is a thing.

Using someone's faults, insecurities, etc against them when you're arguing does not make you right. It is a filthy, low thing to do. It shows lack of intelligence and maturity. It shows that you feel your beliefs/ideas/whatever are being threatened and you feel backed into a corner like a trapped animal. It is cruel and nasty.

People have different opinions. That is okay. I don't understand people who get on the internet, see a post/comment/etc they don't agree with and feel the need to argue, then proceed to say "Oh you're fat. You have an illness. Oh, your mental illness is showing blah blah blah. You're this. You're that." That is what I did when I was an ignorant sixteen year old little ass girl. Grown men and women doing this is completely insane. Adults with children is horrifying, to be completely honest.

Ugh. Makes me completely ill πŸ˜·πŸ‘Ž

P.S. If someone tells you something is against the rules, don't be an asshole about it. Thanks. 😎

Rant over. ✌ Bye. 😘