Waiting for my post op

Well I went in and had my laparoscopy done last Wednesday and my doctor said that he found endometriosis like he assumed he would. He didn't give me any other details at the time and just told me that I will see pictures and we'll discuss my options at my post op. I guess he didn't remove any. I was under the impression that doctor's removed it on sight. I guess I'll find out what's going on when I go in on the 27th. I feel kind of nervous and excited to move on and continue trying with my husband now that I know what I'm dealing with. We took a 3 month break from 15 months of trying and I'm definitely ready to move on and just see where this journey takes me. Trying to be positive in all this mess and some days are hard but I know we will get to parents someday! Good luck to all you ladies!