feeling self conscious

So I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant with my second baby, my little girl is 3 and when I fell pregnant with her I was about 10 stone, I'm not very tall only about 5ft so I don't carry weight well at all and before I fell pregnant with her I had no stretch marks and by the time I gave birth I had put 4 stone on and was completely covered in stretch marks and even tho it's been 3 years I still haven't been able to lose my baby weight and still have what I like to call the "flap" it's so ugly and I currently weigh about 12 stone and I'm really paranoid that I'm going to have an ugly droopy bump 😞 I have dreams that I'm going to be almost ready to give birth and have this huge flabby jelly belly that hangs really low, with my first pregnancy I was huge and I had a beautiful tight bump, has anybody been threw anything similar and what was your bump like the second time round? Thanks in advance