Ladies, it's okay if you aren't breastfeeding.

Caitlin • Mommy to Emery Tristan (10), Wyatt Adam (2), and our first girl Olivia Grace born 9/3/16!
I've seen some comments saying how the tree of life pictures with the hashtag #NormalizeBreastfeeding is "offensive" to those who can't breastfeed or aren't able to anymore, or may not get a chance to. It shouldn't be offensive in anyway, to anyone, and that is the point of the movement. The important fact is is that it really doesn't matter how your child is being fed but that they are happy, healthy, and are getting their nutrients in whatever way is best for them. I am sorry for those who can't/won't experience it. I truly am. I wish every woman who wishes to nurse can experience it. The movement is not meant to rub it in your face but to show the world that if breast feeding is how you are feeding your child then it shouldn't be put down and degraded. Nursing is not "nasty" "sexual" or "inappropriate" by any means and we should not be ashamed or made to feel insecure or feel ashamed for doing something incredible and totally natural. Whether it be nursing, bottle fed, formula fed... the important thing is that your baby is fed. Stop shaming mothers who choose one or the other! Personally, I have bottle fed formula and night nursed for a month now so my baby gets the best of both worlds and it works out great for us.  However you feed your baby, keep up the good work, you amazing beautiful mama!!!💕💕💕💕