
Just venting here- before the baby was born I had a goal to make it EBF until 6 months, I figured after that I'd stop. My husband encouraged me to nurse our son and so I did. I honestly hated breastfeeding for the first 3-4 months. But now I have this thing down! It's sooooo easy. We co-sleep so I nurse in bed and the sleep we've been getting is pretty amazing. Plus I love all the baby snuggles. (Now that he's crawling snuggles are harder to get). I usually pump in the evening to empty out my breasts. My husband  comes into our room and says "when are you gonna be done with this? You have a big enough stockpile of milk to last for a few more months." Like WTF? Excuse me for feeding our baby!  I'm so annoyed. Part of me wants to be done too, but neither me nor my son are ready. Ugh