Several Months later and my body still does not seem to be normal. Advice needed.



I am look for advice/opinion because I am going back and forth in my head on if this is something to worry about. I had a missed miscarriage this summer at 8 weeks and ended up getting a D&C at 12 weeks (July 4th). As all of you can relate to, it has been very emotionally difficult. However, I am in counseling now and am trying again. While every day is different, I am in a much better place than I was this summer and looking forward . With that being said, I am now able to focus more on my body and been trying to be more aware of what it is telling me. Since my miscarriage, my periods have been regular. However, they have been very painful and I feel the like the pain is getting worse, not better. My last two periods (including the one I am on) have been irregular. My current period came on day 20 of my cycle and has been truly miserable. I spent yesterday in a lot of pain. The pain since my miscarriage also seems to be more focused in my lower back, which is the same pain I felt during my miscarriage and not like the cramps I had premiscarriage. I have always had a shorter cycle( 24 days) but I am very regular and never one this short. I have had an exam since my d&c but I have not had an ultra sound. Should I request one? What avenues should I be exploring? Just curious if anyone can relate to this and if there is any advice out there. Thank you in advance. This group has really helped guide me through these difficult months.