Ovulation/Period post Depo-provera

Ok. So I had my daughter in February 2016. 2 days after I had her, I got my first depo shot. I got my 2nd in May. I was due for a 3rd in August, but I did NOT like how my body responded to it and I'd much rather have my cycle back. I'm just that way. Well, it's been 7 months since my last depo shot, and I pretty much bled the whole month of November. Literally. 31 days of bleeding. Then I had what seemed like a normal period from 12/10-12/17. So I got a bunch of ovulation tests to see if what I am having is in fact my period returning or if I'm just bleeding for no reason. So far I have not had any positive or even second lines on any of the ovulation tests. I know I am not pregnant for sure. Just trying to figure out my body again. The depo shot really threw it off and made a mess of things. Just wondering if anyone else has had something similar happen to them? How long before you ovulated again?