I got married in August 2015

I got married in August 2015 .... 6 months later I fell pregnant on clomid, Unfortunatly at 7 weeks I had to do a D&C due to the fetus not having a heart beat.
​So after two month of recovery we decided to try again, the OB asked for me to try with out clomid and to see her if I felt that I was not ovulating and to put me back on ... I tried doing it all, timing, BBT monitoring and taking ovulation tests to confirm ....
​on my fifth from the D&C I tried a herbal supplement Fertile xx ... was not sure if it is due to this but on my 6th cycle I did a clearblue easy plus test at 9/10dpo and I saw the faintest line, hardly noticeable and followed that with a clearblue digital test and came back positive ... two day later went to OB and she said it's still to early to see anything so she asked to do a blood test to confirm, she also did a sonar and she was happy to see that the fluid in my uterus was nice and thick. The next day I heard back the dr to say that test have confirmed that I am in fact pregnant hcg was 21.2 and that shows early pregnancy, I'm to do another in a week to confirm hcg level rising, if it rises then she will be happy due to the previous miscarriage, she has asked me to drink 1/4 of a disprin/aspirin a day to have my blood flow thinner to prevent clots ... I read up on this to make sure of my insecurities and many dr have prescribed this to woman who have previously had miscarriages and a lot have confirmed that they had health pregnancies and babies... im not out the boat yet, so wish me luck ladies .... I will update on everything ... good luck to all 😊