Things nobody warned you about pregnancy?

🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹
Everyone's pregnancy is different. And noone goes through the same thing. What are some things people didn't warn you about pregnancy and what are some symptoms you had or body changes you had during pregnancy?
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Stress incontinence, dry flaky/crusty nipples, peeing 10 million times at night, worrying if you're going to fail as a mom, questioning your partner because you are self conscious and don't feel pretty anymore, not being able to tie your own shoes/paint your toenails...


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
and it's crazy cause everything you named I've went through and still am going through.


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
I had the dry flakes on my nipples too! gosh they were so itchy but shea butter is helping lots with that.


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How long into the pregnancy you can still be puking 


Stacie • Dec 24, 2016
I ended up on diclegis


Stacy • Dec 24, 2016
I'm on phenergan (promethazine )


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
did you get meds from your OB for that?


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The stuffy nose. Good god...


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The acne!! I heard about the great skin and having that 'glow' but I'm yet to as it for myself... lol


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The battle between insomnia/restlessness and near death fatigue 


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I got hives pretty much all over my body! It lasted for about 2 weeks, starting around 14 weeks or so.


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
I got pupps in the beginning of my pregnancy it went away after I used a itch cream my husband got from the local health good store


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How long i would be sick and how sick i would really be.


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How I don't want to eat. I'm not sick. Not nauseated. Food is just nothing to me. I don't want to eat any actual food anymore because I think it all sounds bleah. Think of a food you're not a fan of but youll eat if you have to- that is basically all food to me. I'm 14 weeks and have been like this the whole time. 


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
this is just the beginning for you it only gets worse 😞


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
get ready mama 5


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I wasn't warned about SO many things. I'm 19 and married and thought I couldn't have kids so I didn't educate myself on pregnancy. I had NO idea how sick you get. I knew about morning sickness but I thought it last a couple hours in the day and it'd last for maybe a week or two. NO THATS NOT IT. Lol I had it till 21 weeks as it lasted all day, all night. No one told me about the constant back pains. Or the low immune system so you get infections easily (I'm prone to UTI's). No one told me about being tired a lot and being out of breath just by getting dressed in the morning. No one told me about severe leg cramps and how you can't take literally any kind of medicine (that works) for the headaches that you get. But something people have said that nobody NEEDED to tell me is how worth it all this pain and sickness is. All I have to do is hear her little heartbeat and you don't even think about it anymore.


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 24, 2016
aaaawwe poor mama😞 after all I go through your right after hearing baby's heart beat I forget about everything. once baby gets here we won't blink twice about what we went through. now that can warn others about what we did not get warned about. 😊😊