
I've had 2 pregnancies in 2.5 years and miscarried both. So not only is not easy to get pregnant I can't seem to stay pregnant. There's someone I've been friends with since middle school (we are 27 now) and we aren't close anymore but keep in contact over fb. She announced at around 4 weeks she was pregnant with #3 and I'm immediately jealous which is not normal for me..I am not a jealous person but it eats at me when I see people get pregnant and have healthy even though I'm jealous I'd never wish on my worst enemy a loss of a pregnancy or baby. This morning she just posted she's having twins. I want to be pregnant and have a baby so bad and I'd be over the moon for twins so I never had to try for another. So needless to say I'm disgustingly jealous and I hate myself for it. I can't even bring myself to talk about it with anyone because most people in my family or any close friends (except 1) hasn't ever been through a miscarriage so they will think worse of me than I do myself. It's hard and it sucks. I hate being jealous of someone for something that's so great for them. I'm ready to head of for Christmas and stop thinking about it.