Abuse case and adoption!

shawn • Mom of 2. My family is everything.

So let's call this little girl Kylie, Kylie was put in a temporary foster home because her mother was finally arrested for abuse let's call this awful woman Kate. Well my friends mom wants to adopt Kylie, who is friends with Kate. And my friends mom let's call her Lisa, has a very bad history of drugs, and bad checks, she's even lost rights to all 3 of her kids which is my friend, and her two brothers. She hasn't got in trouble with the law for a year though. Will they even consider Lisa as an option to adopt Kylie? Also Lisa has another daughter who turned out to be just like her who wants custody, but she's going through drug court and on probation so I assume she has no chance. Now my best friends brother wants custody, he has two children, got in trouble with the law twice for weed which was like 5 years ago, his work does drug tests randomly through the year and passes them all he never failed one. He works two jobs his Fiancé works full time at a nursing home, their babysitter is my friend, and Kylie knows them very well and seems comfortable and happy around them. Only thing I worry about with them is that him and his fiancé are on and off all the time and she'll get mad at him and keep his kids from him untik he apologizes. Kylie is coming from a very broken home and very unstable. When they start going through this prosses what are they going to be looking at? What's the whole prosses? I'd like to know if they'd even have a chance.

*UPDATE * I found our just an hour ago that they all knew this was going on, the abuse and terrible situation of this lite girl for a year! A EFFING YEAR AND DID NOTHING! I don't even care if my friends brother would be a good parent to her, they let her be in that situation for a year without calling the police, and they knew for what was going on in that home. Kylie would run and hide and start crying when someone would get mad at her, she would say ouch all the time and other things. They never called the police. Only reason this is a case is because someone at Walmart saw Kate hit Kylie and called and reported it. Their excuse was "I was scared of what Kate would do of we called the police" and they never thought about how scared that little girl was, set your damn feelings aside! I'll update again with Kylie situation. But I don't think any of them deserve her, they let her stay in a bad situation knowing what was going on.