Would you be induced?

My doctor is talking inducement because I'm 37 weeks and my baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead, as well as me having a "higher BMI". Would you consider inducement at 39-40 weeks if baby hasn't come naturally yet? I have heard so many horror stories about pitocin and how induced labour is so much more painful. Before this, I had my heart set on as natural of a labour as possible, and even staying home with my midwife if I was progressing well. I know if I have an induction it will be so much more painful and the likelihood of needing an epidural is a lot higher. Would you consider being induced for no other reason than your baby measuring a bit bigger? I am not a doctor, so I know their advice is better than the knowledge I have, but I just feel so many women are being induced for no reason. Babies measure big on ultrasound so they induce and then the baby is a normal size. Having a natural labour is so important to me but I don't want to put my baby at risk. 
Have you had an induced labour? How is it compared to a labour you've had that wasn't induced? Did you get an epidural? C section? 

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