Do I have PCOS

Alex • Married to my best friend & Mom to the sweetest little girl ever
Short background. I had normal cycles and got pregnant with my daughter at 19. After I had her I didn't have a cycle til she was 15 mo, I bf her til she was 11 mo so I thought that is why I didn't have one. I started having cyst around the time I started again while I was on BC. I quit taking BC about a year later, 5 mo later I got pregnant again but sadly mc, that was in March '16. Since then my cycles have been 38-78 days long. Just forward I had AF 12/10-12/17 then my boobs started hurting really bad and have been until today on 12/29 when I started bleeding again. It is not heavy at all today though, not even enough for a pad. I have a Dr appt on 1/9 in hopes to figure out what's going on with my body. Do y'all think I have PCOS or another infertility issue? I just want my body to be normal again so we can start TTC without issues.