Losing friends over pregnancy


I have noticed mainly (Facebook friends)

Have been slimming since announcing my pregnancy has anyone else lost friends or notice less people visiting/ texting / calling

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As for me, I'm the one who has completely taken myself off of social media. I shut everything down. The people who really care have reached out to me text and calls instead of just lurking on around on social media. That's how I was able to see who really are my friends. 

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I've had the same thing happening to me, and the ones that stay seem to mostly only care about baby updates or belly pics etc, and not the other life things I post about lol. 


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Same with me. My friends didn't even text me on my birthday.. Its okay though. Soon, my son will be here and it will all be okay. ❤


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Having the same issue. The only friends I have are ones I made while pregnant because they were pregnant or people I've known but never been close to that has a baby. It's crazy. I've snapped on my friends so many times because they don't even invite me out to eat when they go. But they say it's cause they think of me as a family girl now that I don't want to do anything and it's because I can't. They invited me our drinking and said I can be the DD? Who does that. But get mad when I tell them they're not the "aunts" to my son if they can't if come around and spend time with me. 🤦🏼‍♀️


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Yep!!! It sucks. :(


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Tons of people deleted me on Facebook and unfollow me on instagram now because almost all that I post about is just of my daughter lol. Doesn't bother me though. She's the light of my life. ☺️


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I'm a young FTM so all of my "friends" are out partying all the time, I don't really hear from any of them unless I send a text/message first...I just kinda gave up haha. My bestfriend though still contacts me and we see eachother often so I know it's someone who really cares about me and I'd rather have one good friend then a ton who don't want anything to do with me because I'm pregnant and about to have my son :p


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Oddly enough ive noticed an increase like everyone wants to be my friend now lol. Id rather not have friends that only come around because im having a kid though so im sticking to my 1 friend and my fiance hahah


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I feel this way at times too! But, I try to remind myself that were all busy with our own lives! And a lot of my friends may just not be able to relate to what I'm going through so they shy away. I know before being pregnant I always felt a little awkward around my pregnant friends, unsure of what to say and such. Maybe that's it?


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Through having a miscarriage and now being nearly 20 weeks pregnant, my best friend of 15 years has asked how I am maybe three times. If someone supposedly so close to me doesn't give a shit.. I don't expect my other friends too! I've got one or two friends still and that's enough for me. I've got a best friend in my partner and my brother. They along with my son are all I need xx