I miss my baby inside of me 💔

I'm so distraught about miscarrying my baby this week. I can't stop thinking about how happy I was when I took the pregnancy test & found out I was pregnant. I had so many plans for my LoveBug. We were going to have a good life. I miss knowing my baby was inside of me. I miss making sure I didn't forget to take my prenatal vitamins or making sure I'm drinking enough water that is required for me. 
Today determines whether or not I'll need a D&C. Soon, the physical pain will soon be behind me but the emotional pain seems like it will last forever. I was only six weeks when I miscarried but I loved my little baby so much. If I have a village of kids, they will never replace my lost one. I can't wait until the day my baby & I meet in Heaven. Oh that will be a glorious, glorious day. Mommy loves you LoveBug.Â