Unhappy Reception

Jocelyn • I am a vegan lesbian in rural New England pregnant with our first child. TTC'ed for 9 months
I told my grandma and my aunt that I am pregnant over Christmas and their reactions were less than enthusiastic, if not downright negative. They asked me if I'm sure I'm ready (27 years old with a 33 year old partner who is a lawyer, we have been married for 5 years and own a house), and the most positive response I got was, "I'm happy for you if that's what you really want to do." Neither of them acknowledged my partner as the second parent, despite the fact that she has been in the family for 8 years.
I'm just hurt and trying not to let it get to me. These women raised me and have been accepting of my relationship for years at this point. It just threw me for a loop and I didn't expect them to revert back to the attitudes they had back when we announced our engagement 6 years ago. I thought we were past all that. My parents are being great and they are so excited, so that's what I'm holding onto.
Anyone else have their families regress to less accepting once you announced the pregnancy?