I was stabbed!

I can finally find the courage to talk about what happened... It has been about a year now; it was me and my son he was 2 at the time and I was pregnant with my daughter(just a few weeks along). It was about 7 pm at night and I was walking with my son to my car from shopping at walmart(i had a new car so i parked pretty a far away)I had this odd feeling like I was being followed so I turned back and there was no one there so I started picking up my pace. I got to my car and struggled with my keys, I finally found them, got my doors unlocked and opened and pulled my son out of the cart. I heard foot steps so I turned around and there stood a women with a blade in her hand; I couldn't tell if she was drunk, homeless or on drugs. I asked "can I help you?" She told me "give me your son" I said "excuse me" she said "bitch are you deaf? give me your son or I will kill you and him" I just stood there my mind racing. Quick thinking I threw yes threw my son in the car, shut the door and she came after me. I started screaming "HELP she's trying to take my son" and a bunch of people coming running to us. I was able to wrestle her to the ground but got distracted when I heard my son banging on the window yelling "mommy mommy" I turned to tell him it's ok to stay in the car and thats when she got me. She bit me, rolled ontop, held up the blade above her head and as she came down out of reflux I put my arm infront of me to stop it from hitting my chest. She struck me in my arm, they got her off of me, police showed up and the last words she said to me was "if you didn't hear me coming I would have had him and you'd be dead". They took me to the hospital and removed the blade, I got 34 stitches and it healed. I remember that dirty grin she gave me, her scratchy nasty conniving tone she had, seeing all the people standing around watching me struggle to keep her from stabbing me rather than helping until she stabbed me is still burnt in my brain. When people ask me what happened I say I burned myself because that's what it looks like trying to tell the story and Reliving what happened is to painful! I will tell you always trust your instint and follow them!!

Excuse my hairy arm! My camera sucks bad too!

Update: She has been sentenced for 30 to life for attempted murder and child endangerment.