Brat baby.

Ashley • girlfriend to a airman 🖤 twitch affiliate 🌿 mom to a 4yr old 🦊
my baby is keeping everyone on their toes.. at my 20 week scan we found out my baby boy has SUA (single umbilical artery) which was scary as is. then at my 24 week scan found out i had a short cervix which broke my heart because i knew of all the possible complications so they told me to come back a week later. at the week scan i found out that i was 2cm dilated and was sent straight to the hospital. it's been a little over a week being in the hospital with the fear of going into preterm labor and it has been scary, well today i had an ultrasound to see if i've dilated more and i haven't but now my baby is breeched with his feet in my cervix. so now it's more likely he will kick and break my amniotic sac and throw me into labor. i'm just now 26w and i feel absolutely sad and miserable because everything is going wrong. he will be fine if he was born tonight, but i want him to cook more.. 
this has absolutely been a nightmare with no relief in sight. 
has anyone had their baby breeched like this and they turned back without any complications? 
he was head down, but i guess that wasn't scary enough for him lol.