Mom/pregnancy shaming

BabyK`sMom • IVF miracle born 4/20/17 x2 sweet angel babies 🖤👼🏻👼🏻 🌈 due 3/31/20
I feel horrible for moms in our generation... I didn't realize how much shaming moms face on a day to day basis! There's so many different ways to do things these days, and everyone has such strong feelings about what they consider the "right" way. I can see why so many new moms tend to isolate themselves. 
I'm pregnant with my first and already being faced with so much judgment. People feel entitled to constantly tell me what I should eat, what I shouldn't eat, that I should exercise more, that I should exercise less, what vitamins I should take, whether or not I should have a natural birth.. really, you can be judged on just about anything. It's kind of a lose/lose. 
If you're a Mom (or a soon to be Mom), know that you'll never be "good enough" for society's expectations.. but as long as your meeting your family's needs, your damn good enough. Advice sharers and Mom shamers... don't forget that each child has specific needs, and what you may deem "the right way" to do something might be the wrong way for someone else. As moms, we should be raising each other up rather than shooting each other down. 
Give a Mom or a Mom-to-be a compliment today. God knows we all need one in a society where we are scrutinized and under a microscope at all times. That's all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️