Birth story!

So i had my bloody show 12/29 and started contracting 12/30 but my contractions werent that strong or close together i decided to wait for my appt later on that day i went in with some contractions and the midwife told me i was 4-5cm already that it was my choice either to wait or go straight to the hospital so i went home showered and got some last minute stuff ready! At 2pm i got admitted to the hospital i was already 5cm contractions were 7-8 mins apart! So they kept me 2 hours later they checked again and i was 8cm so i decided to get the epidural before i couldnt! So i did and the doctor tried 8 times to get it right! 🙄🙄 which he dis not it prob worked for like 20 mins ok they checked me at 6pm i was already 10 and the sarted getting everything readyi started pushing at 7pm i felt everything i cried i yelled i was pulling my husbands shirt almost ripped it and after 15 mins of painful contractions and me trying not to pass out i has my baby boy!!! I am so blessed!! The pain was worth it but i wasnt trying to go through it!! My almost 2017 baby!! Andrew Jacob Salazar 7lbs15oz 19inches 7:18pm 12/30/16