Already feel like a failure?

Honestly I already feel like the biggest failure as a parent. I love my baby more than anything in this world but the closer it gets to him being here I just get so much more upset. His father and I have worked so hard but it just feels like everything that could go wrong financially for us, has. He had a great job that had to let him go because of their own financial issues which caused us to have to use a large amount of our savings, plus with the job he has now they are giving him problems with his hours and though he has an amazing job he's starting in two weeks, it's still two weeks away. I worked part time to stay in school but have since had to stop because an illness I have has began to start up again and I couldn't continue standing on my feet for eight hour shifts without being on my meds (which I can't be on while pregnant). I just feel very overwhelmed and very emotional. Our baby will be here in three months and I feel like we have nothing going for us at this point except me being in school still (thank god that's fully paid for). I'm sure a lot of this is emotions mixed with general anxiety but it's really starting to get to me. I just want to feel prepared and okay by the time he enters this world. I don't want to continuously feel like I've failed my child already. I'm just so tired. I really am.