losing myself

I'm a new mom with a seven month old baby and live very isolated from my friends and family. I rely on my inlaws for social activities pretty much 100% and haven't been able to make new friends where I live since I was pregnant when we moved here and haven't found an opportunity to meet new people. 
Before falling pregnant I was an independent woman with her own career and a number of hobbies that kept me occupied. Already lived far away from my own family and friends but that didn't feel like such an issue as I had plenty to entertain me. 
The transition into motherhood is starting to feel heavy. My partner gets to go to work every day and has lots of social activities in the area, goes away overnight camping and fishing and I feel rather stuck. Stuck at home with my hands full and zero time for myself. My baby has been pretty high needs and sleeps on me during the day so I don't get to do things for myself at all. I used to love to work out and lift weights but I don't even have time for that and as we have struggled with breastfeeding, I'm afraid that too much exercise will affect my supply again. 
I've started a baby swim class and go to a playgroup but haven't really connected with anyone. Not sure what else I can do to meet new people. 
I guess I just feel down about having seemingly lost sight of myself and I don't know how to take some of it back without compromising attention for my daughter. I don't know how to make my partner understand how hard this is for me without feeling like a loser or weak or ungrateful. I'm just a bit stuck. I'm sure it will get better again.