need support and stories from mamas who opted out of epidural for delivery

Helen 🦕😄
Please no bashing one another. I've always wanted to have children and I have never wanted to use an epidural/spinal as a pain relief measure during labor. It's just not something I want. I've had a lot of people be very skeptical and say things like "Don't be a martyr" or "I loved my epidural" or "I wished I could have one! I couldn't for this reason." I'm not looking for any kind of metal of honor for not taking one, nor do I judge those that want one-- if you want one, get one and I'll support you all the way. It's just something I never wanted for myself, and I'm also aware that I have the right to change my mind up to a certain point in labor. I would just like some input and stories from other moms who have opted not to use an epidural-- any other pain relief used or comfort measure used please feel free to share your experience. I'm literally the only one I know in my off-Glow that feels like I do. The other person that did not want one opted for it due to giving of pitocin during labor and her contractions got to be where she made that decision-- again no judgement to her, she just had a different experience. 
Thanks all for your input and support!