Lunch meat miscarriage

Cara • Baby boy due May 30th, 2017!
I know this is a touchy subject for so many women so I apologize ahead of time for bringing this up. But how many women have actually had a miscarriage or any complications from eating lunch meat? They say it can cause a miscarriage because of bacteria which I don't doubt it has... but I am really curious... has anyone actually had a miscarriage from it? I just have a hard time believing that there is THAT MUCH bacteria on it that it could do something like that... if it did then everyone who eats hoagies (or subs sorry I'm from philly we call them hoagies) would be getting sick. My mom said she ate COLD hoagies (without microwaving the meat) her entire pregnancy and she had 5 kids who all came out healthy. Whats the dealio?