Bikini wax question!

I know this is a bit personal, but we are also talking about pushing humans out of our bodies so I was hoping I could post here with little-to-no judgment. 
I had regular bikini waxes every 8-10 weeks or so for the past 2-3 years. I stopped over the summer because I had hyperemesis and couldn't get out of bed let alone deal with any sort of pain. 
I had one wax at about 5 months but now I'm 8 months and I'm not sure if there are any actual risks to having another one. I think my belly is too big for me to any sort of grooming myself.  I HATE the feeling of not being smooth. It has little to do with aesthetics and I literally don't care what anyone thinks about looks. 
Confidence in my appearance aside—I don't know why but I'm SO afraid I'll get in the waxing room and feel judged. It's very unlike me, especially considering how many waxes I've had in the past. 
Have any of you waxed this far into your pregnancy? Was it more awful than normal or just a run-of-the-mill, same 'ol experience? Feedback is appreciated ☺