calling all menstrual cup users!!

I haven't had much luck so far but I'm determined to find one. I started with a diva cup (small) which was way too long even with the stem cut off. I then ordered a lena cup which happened to come in a pack of two for cheaper so I opted for that; one large and one small. I definitely can't use the large as it's comparable if not bigger to the diva cup. But the small seemed just fine! 
I inserted it on the first day of my period and it went in with no issue. Couldn't feel it but had mild cramps which I chalked up to just my normal first day. Second day was way worse. Kept having cramps and pain so bad I couldn't bring myself to insert it or anything in there. Later that day I tried and when I got it, I had an intense cramp at first and then every few minutes I would get a cramp. It was much too uncomfortable to even continue. So now I'm left yet again with no cup. Ive done some research and have decided to try a softer cup. So far my top choices are: Sckoon, Fleur, Si-bell.
So ladies, my question is have you tried any of the three cups I've listed! If so what did you like/dislike about it? Would you recommend a different cup? Any information helps! :)