teen asking for help with parents please help!

So I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 18 (but we were dating when he was 17) and we've now been dating for a year. My parents love him but have no trust for me or him. They are super strict and always have been, yet his parents are ridiculously lenient. Recently I thought it was a good time (and well past due) to ask if it's alright to stay the night. I'm at his house till around 11 or 11:30 anyways so I thought why don't I just sleep over. I was answered with screaming and yelling that I'm crazy insane and that I must have mental problems. And lots of "What is wrong with you!!??". I asked what the big deal is cuz his mom and brother are home and I told them this isn't about having sex I just wanted to sleep. And that was true. So the next day I talked to my parents about it again and they said it's ok if he spends the night at my house... on the COUCH. He's not even allowed to sleep in the same bed as me even though my parents bedroom is right next to mine. They said it's not even about sex it's just not right for a boyfriend and girlfriend at our age to sleep in the same bed??? This sounds completely ridiculous to me. I just want the enjoyment of falling asleep and waking up next to the boy I love and I hate that it's so complicated to do so. They said if he wants to sleep in the same bed as his girlfriend he can find a new girlfriend. Am I the one who's crazy?