long distance relationships

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost a year now but in September I went off to uni about 3-4 hours away. He has an apprentaship and so it in ale to come and visit me in the week days and I often have work at weekends so we are rarely able to see eachother apart from when I come home for holidays and his occasional trips to see me. We face timed every night but it just got to the point where I was just so frustrated with not being able to see him it drove me crazy, we would get in arguments over text when I was drunk over nothing just because we were both stressed and missed eachother so much. But anyway I have loved seeing him these past few months and felt like the old times but I'm about to go back to university and I'm so scared as to what is in the future, what if we argue again? I just feel like I spend the whole time waiting to see him and counting down the days. Has anyone with experience in long-term relationships for any advice? I love him so much but when we are apart for so long at a time we both are unable to handle it