Anyone else's sex life gone since

Anyone else had their sex life disappear since getting pregnant ? We had sex twice during my pregnancy ( because he was initially nervous due to our previous mcs) then he said he didn't feel comfortable when I was bigger. And since we have had our baby 5 months ago we did it once. We had a sitter and it was painful because it had been so long since ( I had a c section) and rushedour time was rushed  because he spent half of our short hour alone talking to his sister in Europe ( it was his birthday but still)  I really don't want to hear about anyone's great sex life just if anyone else is in the same boat. We talked about it but nothing changes. My husband wanted a child so much. I am heart broken. Is this normal for some? I worry he is done with being interested in me physically.  We had a great sex life before our LO was born. I have lost 45 pounds and look better than I did before even he says I look good and still kissing me hello and goodnight but he has stopped trying to cuddle or anything else we sleep separately due to co sleeping.