To Sleep or Not to sleep

Well I started a bad habit... my 6 month old goes to bed around 8:30-9pm in her crib and wakes up at 4,5,or6am for a feeding then falls back asleep...on me. She will sleep like a champ till 8:30,9:30 even 10am if I let her sleep in me. But if I put her back in her crib she will wake up 30 mins or an hour after I lay her down and need to be nursed back to sleep. Or want to be awake and playing. I don't mind my morning cuddles. I use the time to get a jump start on some of my emails. But she's 6 months and huge! I know this can't go on forever...
So do I let her continue to sleep on me in the mornings or put her back in her crib?
Any solutions to help her snooze longer in the morning on her own?

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