c section disappointment anyone? plz no haters

It's been 8 months since I had my boy and I'm so happy but I have to admit once in a while especially the few times someone had a baby I'm taken back to the feeling of disappointment I had when I found out I was getting a c section done. My pregnancy went really well and baby was fine the whole time but the day I went into labor and went to hospital they told me he was breech and I ended up having a c section. I'm still plagued by this annoying disappointment. I'm so very happy he's healthy and growing beautifully but I still can't help asking myself how??? Why??? Everything was great!! How did this happen? What did I do that made this happen???? I know some of you will tell me you're selfish etc bc your baby was born healthy and you're just focused on how it happened. I haven't thought about it for awhile but my friend had her baby girl yesterday and it was a completely natural birth. I spent majority of my pregnancy researching how to make sure as much as possible that I have him naturally and I can't help but feel a tad bit jealous. 😓😔I just wanna feel satisfied with what happened to me and stop having to feel sad and disappointed!! I'm not depressed I know that bc I hardly even think about it but it does pop up in my mind every now and then! Plz give me some advice! Have you gone through this??