I've been married for just over a year to the love of my life

I've been married for just over a year to the love of my life. The first 5 months of our marriage we were separated because he had to finish up his degree in North Carolina. When he came back in May of last year, having sex more often ruptured cysts that I had on my ovaries (I had no idea they were there). I spent 3 months bleeding, almost to the point of a blood transfusion. (It's not negligence, I'm just used to having wacky periods). My gyno put me on birth control for 3 months to get rid of the cysts. Late October I stopped taking the pills and this month, while on our anniversary vacation, despite a PCOS diagnosis and the cysts, we find out that we're pregnant! I'm beyond excited and grateful for what God is doing in my life and in my marriage!