mom doesn't agree. update.

I just recently got engaged to my boyfriend of over two years. My mom hates him. I've been trying to find a venue and everything to set a date and all she keeps saying is "are you sure?" "This guy? With all his issues?" "Really?" Telling me how I should wait a while no rush to get married. Side note: she's been married 4 times now. Each time ending in divorce and typically verbal abuse. She's disabled and I care for her for the time being. She's making my time miserable. I can't talk to her about anything! I'm supposed to be able to share this time with my mother and she can't even pretend to be happy for me. He married way too young to a girl that cheated on him relentlessly and though they've been separated for four years they never officially filed for a divorce so he's trying to track her down now to get the divorce, which my mother also won't let go, though she's ALWAYS messed with married men who actually still lived and had children with their wives as a matter of fact two of her ex husbands were someone else's husbands when she met them! She doesn't like him because he didn't graduate high school and he isn't "cute enough" or "smart enough" but this man treats me like a princess and I'm in love with him. So he may not be the cutest, though I find him so sexy and handsome, he may not be the smartest, though he teaches me new things every day. But he's MINE and mine forever! She's so hateful and angry I can't deal! I don't even want her at the wedding! Update: let me clarify this real quick for you guys, my mother has never nor will she ever do anything out of the kindness of her heart or because she genuinely cares. She's cold and cruel. I often find myself wondering why I even stick around to care for her now. She's been the biggest bully of my whole life telling me how worthless I am and how much I need her even though for the last three years I've been paying for all of her bills, medications and everything. So no I don't think for a second she may actually just be trying to prevent me from having my heart broken. I've known this man for almost four years now and I can't and won't imagine my life without him. The wedding is a year away regardless. I'm not rushing, I'm happy and she won't accept that.