Zarbee's Cough Remedy

Anyone has had experience with Zarbees's babies cough "medicine"? It's homeopathic and labeled as suitable for 2 months & up. I'm wondering if I should try giving it to my 5 month old.
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Thanks everyone!


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I used it on my 15 month old at the time only because I didn't have an honey. Seemed to work. 


GoddessMoon • Jan 4, 2017
It's 1.


Patricia • Jan 4, 2017
I'm pretty sure you should wait until kids are two to introduce them to honey..


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I would try the humidifier first. Many pediatricians will not recommend administering those types of products for infants because the risk outweighs the benefits. I would either talk to your pediatrician or the pharmacist at whichever store you're at to get a recommendation.


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My pediatrician hates it. Do you have a humidifier? It's really hard at this age to deal with coughs. 


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I haven't used the infant one but I use the adult one and it works for me. 😊


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I use it on my 13 month old and my mil used it on my nephew when he was around 5-6 until now. It helps a little bit. I usually give it to my daughter before bed so she can sleep better. 


Lacey • Jan 4, 2017
5-6 months. **