So I had a Chemical pregnancy last month. (Started bleeding on the 19th lasted 2 days). I counted the 19th as cycle day 1. I usually ovulate around CD 14 but I've been testing since 12 and they're all neg. could I have ovulated earlier.... ?? Last week I had cramps and sore boobs lasting a few days around Christmas. And today I have more cramps and I still have very very sore boobs. I also have a weird "fullness feeling". Which is weird bc I shouldn't be exspecting any af for 2 weeks.  But still no + opk. Is it possible to have ovulated early. My CP is HSC and I had some pink CM yesterday. Anyone m/c and become pregnant right after? My SO and I have bd'd pretty much every other day since I stopped bleeding so I'm confused by my body's symptoms. Thanks.