Grunting and Clearing Throat sounds all night

Annapants • Wife/Mother/Musician - together with my best friend for 6 years and our little Eleanor was born 11/14/16.
My LO is 7 weeks and since about 2 weeks is a freight train at night.  She sleeps, I don't.  She grunts and clears her throat in her sleep all night.  I'm lucky if I get 2 hours.  We keep her elevated, burped, she's on probiotic, gas drops and Zantac(one week in).  I don't eat that much dairy per day, in fact most days none at all.  I do have 1-2 cups caffeinated beverage a day.  We have wedges in both her crib and bassinet but the only thing that helps is if she sleeps on her stomach on my chest.
Anyone in the same boat?