Heavy Bleeding at 15 weeks


I could use some positive advice. I've had off and on spotting since 8 weeks from a subchrionic hemmorage. I'm currently 15w2d. Yesterday I started having painful cramps and when I went to the bathroom, I realized I was bleeding very heavily. I started soaking 2 pads an hour. I called my midwife and she wanted me to go to the ER right away. When I arrived, they had two different people do ultrasounds and the baby looked great... Heart rate of 123, measuring a full week ahead, and very active. I was thinking that things must be okay.

After the report came back and the ER doctor spoke with me, he said that I was probably in the beginning stages of a late miscarriage and gave me the run down of what to expect. I've had a MC in the past at 10 weeks, so I knew what it was like. When I asked him why he thought that even though the baby was doing great, he said it was because of the heavy bleeding and cramping and sometimes these things just happen. Anyway, he then did a pelvic exam and said my cervix was still closed but there are big clots passing. He ended up discharging with me with the instructions of pelvic rest and contacting my midwives.

I called my midwives back and told them what the doctor said. They all agreed that I wasn't having a MC but that it was probably caused from the subchorionic hemmorage. They recommended bedrest for a few days but at this point it's a wait and see game. The cramping and bleeding has let up a little today but not a whole lot. I'm still really worried and stressed about this. I'm not convinced it's a miscarriage because the cramps haven't been quite that intense but it's still scary to see so much blood.

Have any of you been through something similar and had a good outcome? I really need some positive feedback. ❤