Celebrate recovery. What day would be considered my first day of recovery?

So today I am going to start going to this program that helps a bunch of different people, but I'm going for sexual abuse. When I was 16 my first boyfriend molested me, then when I was 18 my ex boyfriend who I was friends with still and he molested me and physically tried to force me to give him a blowjob job when he found out the guy I was dating I had sex with for the first time ever, then when I was 19 my coworker put a date rape drug in my drink when I went over to have a drink or 2 and he then raped me. I reported the rape 5 months after the fact so nothing happened with the case. Then a month ago when I was working with in home care my clients grandson sexually assaulted me. On the grandson I wasn't going to make the mistake again on what happened when I got raped so the next day I reported it. I can't figure out what day would be my first day of recovery?