Help! Our midwife gave us sex homework

I'm 37 weeks and some change. At my last checkup, she offered to check my cervix but I declined because I'm not a fan of any extra poking and prodding. She said then I need to make sure my cervix is ripe for birth and told me that we need to be having lots of sex. Reason being is because I could reach 40 weeks but my cervix child resemble 32 weeks and then they'd have to use drugs to soften it. I'm going natural so I asked her what to do. She recommended getting it on every other day! Ladies, I need major help here. Sex is not the best right now. It's hard for me to climax (can't remember my last orgasm), I can't move my body well without running out of breath, I don't feel sexy, and all my favorite positions are now impossible. Plus, what if i go into labor on accident before I make any progress? Please help!