Anyone have similar experiences??? Suggestions?

Cheyanne • ♠♎♠
So I my monthly on the 23rd, usually only 4 days on a 28 day cycle. Well I usually can tell when I'm ovulation and glow has gotten Closer and closer to the date but still a Couple days off. Well anyways I was working out a couple days ago and I started cramping up so I went to the b room and there was bright blood as if I was going to get my period again, but I didn't it lasted about 2 or 3 hrs then went away. Yesterday, same thing only much lighter pink color and again went away. My bf and I only use the pull out method and have been for months effectively, I'm just nervous this month seeing that we've been having sex multiple times of day, one day 3 times in a row lol anyone else have breakthrough bleeding like that for any other reason than being preggers?