Postpartum Lovenox injections

I have never had issues with blood clotting or any sort of blood disorders related to blood clotting, however it runs in my mothers side of the family. Both her and my grandpa(her dad) have had several blood clots and have been on blood thinners almost all of their adult lives. After I had a miscarriage in December of 2014 I went to a hematologist to see if the m/c was related to the blood disorders. The doctor said although I do have the gene that can cause blood clots, called Factor V Leiden mutation, it did not cause the m/c and I shouldn't have issues conceiving again. Well fast forward to now, I'm about 38 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby. I was told earlier on in my pregnancy that once I deliver my baby I would have to have Heparin shots while I'm in the hospital and then after that I would have to inject myself twice a day for 6 weeks with Lovenox blood thinners. Does anyone else have this "factor V Leiden gene" and /or had to do this type of treatment after giving birth? I'm worried that once I start taking the blood thinners and then go off of them that they will screw with my system and cause me to have issues that I've never had before:/ kind of like if it ain't broke don't fix it. Just wanting some opinions from anyone else who has had to experience this. Also worried cuz I my doctor says the shots do sting a bit and I don't know how I feel about injecting myself twice every day while taking care of my brand new baby girl😣