
Honestly I am just so angry right now... idk if maybe it's these pregnancy hormones or what but oh how much I just do not like my husband right now. He's been nothing but mean and distant and rude today since I got home from work and then he left for work and he's been texting me night still being mean. I'm so frustrated because I have no idea why he's acting like this I've asked him why he's acting like this. But I feel so taken for granted. I have been sick this whole pregnancy with colds and flu, my eardrum ruptured just the other day so i'm dealing with that, I go to work in the morning after taking my son to school then I come home to a house thats a disaster. He leaves behind dishes and trash and dirty laundry. So every night he expects me to clean up the house which I'm the only one who cleans this house and I take care of the kids we have a five-year-old boy and a one-year-old girl and I'm pregnant with our third about 20 weeks. But every night I clean up the whole house and then I come home the next day after work to a disaster and it just makes me so mad I know he works more than me I am only part time but I'm not his made and he always hold it above my head that he makes the money and this that and the other. I love him and usually our relationship is great but today I've just had it up to here with him. Do you ladies think I'm just being overly emotional because my hormones or I have a right to be Pissed off?