the confusion of love

The feeling of being in love is unmatched, but who all is with me when I say being IN love and just loving some one is different? I was in love with my boyfriend but now I don't know if I can say the same.  I used to conestly have vivid dreams with him in them, now when I have dreams they have other men in them and not him. No I have never cheated on him. I've never even looked twice at another man that I've come in contact with. Don't get me wrong my man is amazing, he brings me breakfast, and the way he wakes me in the morning is by very gentle brushing my hair with his hand and giving me a soft kiss. But ever since I found porn, and nude pictures of his ex on his phone (from when they were in a realationship) along with other things I have realized that I don't feel the same way towards him. We have talk about our issues many time and he is doing his best to show me how much he cares for me. He was made a complete difference in the way he acts towards me, he is very very lovey more so than ever. 
I can't imagine my world with out him, but I feel as if he never had the same feelings as I had for him. So now what? I'm stuck, leaving him would break me. I just want to rekindle that old flame we had. But how do I do this when he works 10-15 hours every night. I feel myself slipping back into a depressed state, but I just try to smile when he's around and try to be happy because he truly does treat me amazingly. 
I love this man like no one I have ever before, he's brought life to me like I never imagined, he's a hard worker and is a sweet and gentle lover. But how do I fall back IN love with him like I was before? 
**if you read all of this thank you, if you read it and comment any bit of advice, or your past experiences thank you ten times over!