ugh, venting.

I'm so sick of people saying so when you two have a baby together are you afraid that the baby will it's daddy's back problems. You know his back is messed up, how could you put a child through that. Well my husband has scoliosis and small case of spin bifida. Some are grossed out by his back if he takes his shirt off. I also got asked how could I even have sex with someone who looks like that(he has a hump to his lower part of his back). I'm frustrated that people can be that way. He is just like all of us, just some health problems, he works 40+hr week job, he doesn't let his back stop him, he never once says I can't do that because of my back. I think it's bothering me more because we are trying for a baby, yes I do know the baby would have a chance of getting it but I will still love my children no matter what. My first son(not my husband) has small case of scoliosis. Ugh.