Breastfeeding with Mental Illness

I'm three years diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and my psychiatrist firmly believes I need to not breastfeed since my medication (Latuda, used for anti psychosis, anti depression, and mood stabilization) is not safe for breastfeeding (rather, hasn't been tested, though my low dose is safe during pregnancy) and I had a suicide attempt after my last pregnancy that's partially attributed to my post-partum.
I'm not totally asking about advice on what to do personally, because no one here is my doctor or me. I'll make my own decision by the time I need to. But I wanted to ask if anyone has been told not to breastfeed for mental health reasons and then stopped their meds/did it anyway, and how it turned out. 
Was it a mistake? Should you have stayed medicated? Was breastfeeding the right decision for you?