People insulting birth choices


I have been reading up on a few forums about birth choices, specifically on pain relief and different methods (medications, breathing, all of it) and people seem to insult EVERY CHOICE.

Women who DO want pain meds get insulted that they are "hurting their baby" or wont "experience anything" while women who DON'T want pain meds get told to "just take the meds and stop trying to be a martyr" or "Yeah, you'll see. The pain will be too much. Don't kid yourself and just get the epidural."

Why on earth would someone insult anything like that? I was told by a complete stranger I was an idiot for not wanting pain meds and that i'll hurt my child from the stress. So what if I don't want them? How is it your business? And who the hell gave you that bullshit information?

I can also fully understand why some women DO want the epidural.

How about we just mind our own business?