Induced to Emergency C-Section

Hey everyone! Finally got to writing our birth story!
We were originally gifted to have twins, but unfortunately miscarried one at 9weeks. It was the worst feeling ever but so thankful we still had one we would get to spoil for two.
Fast forward, I was 41 weeks and was scheduled to be induced.
We got to the hospital at midnight (41+1) and they started me on Cytotec at 1am. At this point I was 1/2cm. I was suppose to get Cervidil, but the Cytotec was a quicker medication lasting 6 hours instead of 12 from Cervidil.
My water broke on its own at 6:30am. And they started the pitocin at 7:30am. Contractions came fast and we're already very painful. I read to not wait last minute for the epidural so I got it at 8:30am. With the pitocin, I dilated quickly. About 1-2cm every hr. By 2:00pm I was 8cm and the nurses were getting the room ready for delivery.
Oh and sometime around 9:00 they noticed his head was compressing on the umbilical cord, so they had put in like saline to balloon his head up and off the cord. I guess it worked because there wasn't really an issue. But I did have to stay laying a certain way so it wouldn't happen again.
So when the nurse was getting the room ready, I asked her if I could change position since I was very uncomfortable. She said sure, since there was no issue with his heart rate.
She helped me lay on my side, and immediately started frantically flipping me over, I asked her what was wrong, and she told me to be very still. The next thing I knew, she had pushed some button and 10 other nurses came in trying to shift my body in different positions. They got me on my hands and knees, gave me a shot to stop contractions, and the doctor came in and immediately says "let's get her into the OR now".. I looked at her and asked "c-section?" And she said "Yes, his heart rate has dropped significantly but we are going to take good care of you both!" (His heart rate was under 100bpm).
I get rushed to the emergency room and set and ready... all this time my husband was getting lunch downstairs in the cafe and had no idea. The staff finally found him and he was able to be in the OR with us. But just thought it was funny he was enjoying his time downstairs while all this was happening to me lol.
Turns out he was just very stressed and it caused his heart rate to decrease. I'm so glad they were able to save my baby!
We ended up having a 8lb, 13oz baby boy. When this whole time I was high risk for him being small. This, was definitely NOT a small baby! Lol we love him so much! 
Congrats to all mommas out there!